They’re Coming….finally

Over my winter break I browsed the wonders of the internet, played Pokemon, and watched T.V.  I also worked on my upcoming comic series Fox Chronicles: Fantasy, which means that I will be posting artwork of the characters this week. So you can look forward to 9 tailed foxes, foxes who burn things with their minds, the hunting of pure evil, and Barneyzilla (Godzilla Barney). #They’recoming #ReshiramWithPossibleHaphephobia

Future Friday Again

This future Friday Ms Dawn Goodwin the author came to visit us.  She gave us some helpful tips on writing so be expecting some comics finally.  She also showed us some funny and epic pictures that made me remember some old characters I have not drawn in years (ex: dragon lady Amelia and the battle princess Bea).  That’s all I have to say about her visit for now.  Have a nice life everyone.